Monday, March 2, 2015

Spring Fling

Girls just wanna have fu-un.

oxford // vest (similar) // scarf (similar) // pants (similar) // shoes // watch // bracelet

Happy Monday y'all! Today was the day of my Biology exam, so I did as I've been told: dress well, test well. This ornate scarf goes so fabulously with these pants, and I was excited when I saw them next to each other like two peas in a purple pod. Right now, I like adding bold patterns to simple outfits for a little boost of visual interest (and it brings an outfit together perfectly)!
In the midst of midterms and sickness, this weekend was a bit dreary for me. But, with some wonderful people taking care of me and the encouragement of a sunny day, I am ready to tackle these last few days before spring break! I'm so excited to visit warm beaches and snowy mountains during my break next week and see more of God's handiwork! It'll be a lovely getaway from the stress and rush of college. Have a great week y'all! Take some time to do something fun!
Psalm 113:3 "From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!"



  1. such an adorable outfit!
    I just followed you :)
    xoxo, Breakfast at Lillys

  2. This is such a gorgeous, classic look! You have great taste. I love the Bible verse that you shared :)

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

    1. Thank you! I just followed SS, you are precious!
      xo, Maddy
