Sunday, May 10, 2015

Striped Tote, Floral Shorts

Hey y'all! I hope everyone had a happy momma's day and a wonderful weekend! I wore this outfit for a strawberry picking date, which was such a blast, go pick some berries before it's too late!! I honestly didn't carry this bag, I just really wanted to share the deal that's going on at Bath and Body Works right now! This adorable bag (originally $102) was $20 with a $40 purchase, so my momma and I picked it up while shopping for the grandmas. It came with lots of yummy smelling things inside of it too, so that was just an extra bonus.

I hope y'all get off to a great week! I know it's getting close to graduation time and some of y'all may be going off to college in the fall, so I pray that y'all will trust God in everything and know that it isn't going to be great all the time, but you decide if you make it great. I hated my first semester and don't wish that for anyone else. I didn't want to trust God, I wanted to figure it out for myself, and it wasn't pretty. Second semester, I gave it up to God (though He already had me anyways), and it was so much better. Leave a comment down below if you want to hear more about that because I'm completely willing to share! 

Proverbs 3:5-6 
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, 
and He will make your paths straight."

Thanks for stopping by!
